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PQR MoP 5.4.8


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First of all, I found this on a different website, and I'm not responsible if you get banned on any server.

PQR is a rotation bot that uses LUA profiles.
The bot itself is a very old bot that has its beginnings in WOTLK. And seen it's life finished at the end of MOP.
This bot had a great community. And many profile developers. A lot of the profiles were paid for over time and people have shared most of these profiles.

What wiki says :



PQRotation (PQR) is an all-in-one ability rotation application. It uses both simple memory reading as well as a memory detour to execute Lua code. It requires absolutely no setup* (read beta notes).

  • No addons to configure.
  • No pixel scanning to hinder performance.
  • Easily customizable and shareable abilities and rotations.

This program was mainly designed for PVE purposes, however it can easily be configured for PVP purposes as well. It will perform your currently selected rotation as perfectly as is possible, leaving the user to monitor more important things such as fight mechanics and anything else that might be happening in the party/raid. Each rotation is 100% configurable, and each ability can be assigned Lua code (protected or otherwise) that it will execute to determine if a spell should be cast. It also has a basic interrupt bot built in that allows you to interrupt ability that is interruptable (it will not try to interrupt non-interruptable abilities). If you like this program, please consider donating to the owner!



Step 1 :

Download the PQR and PQInterface addon.
Add PQInterface to Interface/AddOns.

Step 2 :

Launch wow 32bit mode.
Launch wow in
window mode.
Connect to wow.
Connect to character.

Step 3 :

Launche PQR.


Select your character. 

Select rotation.


In the game presses on Alt+X.


In this example Vitalic CR is used, He was a better rogue rotation developer.



Here is a video of his CR that was on HonorBuddy, just goes to show what he could do.




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On 7/3/2022 at 3:08 PM, stinkyjoint said:

First of all, I found this on a different website, and I'm not responsible if you get banned on any server.

PQR is a rotation bot that uses LUA profiles.
The bot itself is a very old bot that has its beginnings in WOTLK. And seen it's life finished at the end of MOP.
This bot had a great community. And many profile developers. A lot of the profiles were paid for over time and people have shared most of these profiles.

What wiki says :

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Step 1 :

Download the PQR and PQInterface addon.
Add PQInterface to Interface/AddOns.

Step 2 :

Launch wow 32bit mode.
Launch wow in
window mode.
Connect to wow.
Connect to character.

Step 3 :

Launche PQR.

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Select your character. 

Select rotation.

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In the game presses on Alt+X.


In this example Vitalic CR is used, He was a better rogue rotation developer.

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Here is a video of his CR that was on HonorBuddy, just goes to show what he could do.



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On 7/3/2022 at 3:08 PM, stinkyjoint said:

Primeiro de tudo, eu encontrei isso em um site diferente, e eu não sou responsável se você for banido em qualquer servidor.

PQR é um bot de rotação que usa perfis LUA.
O bot em si é um bot muito antigo que tem seu início no WOTLK. E viu que a vida acabou no final do MOP.
Este bot tinha uma grande comunidade. E muitos desenvolvedores de perfil. Muitos dos perfis foram pagos ao longo do tempo e as pessoas compartilharam a maioria desses perfis.

O que a wiki diz:

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Passo 1 :

Faça o download do addon PQR e PQInterface.
Adicione PQInterface à Interface/AddOns.

Passo 2 :

Inicie o modo wow de 32 bits.
Inicie o wow no
modo de janela.
Conecte-se ao wow.
Conecte-se ao personagem.

Passo 3 :

Inicie o PQR.

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Selecione seu personagem.

Selecione rotação.

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No jogo pressiona Alt+X.


Neste exemplo Vitalic CR é usado, Ele era um melhor desenvolvedor de rotação desonestos.

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Here is a video of his CR that was on HonorBuddy, just goes to show what he could do.



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  • 3 weeks later...
On 7/3/2022 at 11:08 AM, stinkyjoint said:

First of all, I found this on a different website, and I'm not responsible if you get banned on any server.

PQR is a rotation bot that uses LUA profiles.
The bot itself is a very old bot that has its beginnings in WOTLK. And seen it's life finished at the end of MOP.
This bot had a great community. And many profile developers. A lot of the profiles were paid for over time and people have shared most of these profiles.

What wiki says :

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Step 1 :

Download the PQR and PQInterface addon.
Add PQInterface to Interface/AddOns.

Step 2 :

Launch wow 32bit mode.
Launch wow in
window mode.
Connect to wow.
Connect to character.

Step 3 :

Launche PQR.

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Select your character. 

Select rotation.

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In the game presses on Alt+X.


In this example Vitalic CR is used, He was a better rogue rotation developer.

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Here is a video of his CR that was on HonorBuddy, just goes to show what he could do.



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